Wednesday, January 29, 2014

survival school

Karakol, Kyrgyzstan
 There are few places in the world that can compare with the beauty and majesty of Karakol in Kyrgyzstan
Incredible scenery on a huge scale and some of the most magnificent wildlife in Central Asia lure
photographers, artists and natural historians from around the world to be part of its rugged splendor. Nature
surpasses the Old Masters with every new vista, giving you the opportunity to capture the splendor and
emotion of this very special place. Under the guidance of the outstanding wildlife photographer and artist Phil
Coles, this will become a possibility, allowing you to return home with more than just the memories of this once
in a lifetime journey. Once again, Karakol is at the forefront of wilderness travel and training, giving you the
skills to enjoy and record your adventures in vivid depth and detail.
 Cross-country skiing is one of the most exilarating means of travel known to man. It is also incredibly
good exercise and gives the skier an enormous sense of freedom. Your heart pounds as you dig your skis in
and heave yourself to the top of the escarpment before letting yourself effortlessly accelerate along hundreds
of meters of hard packed snow, enjoying the scenery until the last of the momentum wears off. This is a feeling
that you look forward to when you're skiing and can be likened to the anticipation and thrill of approaching and
running a rapid in a canoe.

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